How to Get over the Sadness of Losing a Loving Pet?
Whether you are having your worst day or the best, having your pet beside you can help you during difficult times. Their eyes give away the most beautiful innocence, melting your hearts right away.
Unfortunately, their disappearance is the last thing we would ever want to imagine. A void they would leave in us – losing a loving pet, whether it is a dog, acat, a bird, or /any other animals can be unbearable. You wish you had spent more time with them, but no, maybe that’s what destiny had decided for them.
Their little paws and claws when you brought them the first time in your house, their first birthdays, their daily chores, their cries, everything that kept the house quite in motion– when suddenly you don’t get to hear them, we know how it feels!
Lovely cat that can cure your tiredness
Why does losing a pet hurt so much
When we have an animal friend, we need nothing else to accompany us. The bond, the love we share between our pets, is everlasting. You’ve also seen people adopting street animals. After all, they are souls that god gifted to help us find happiness. Additionally, many people struggling with depression or any mental illness are also seen adopting pets to comfort them at all times.
We now have something to discuss after knowing how dear our pets are. How do they help?
They provide mental support.
They are the best companions.
Their love and faith for us will never falter.
Not just us, but they’ll love and familiarise themselves with the whole family.
Now when we know how unconditional their love is for us, how can someone not grieve when they suddenly disappear from our lives?
Coping with your grief of pet loss
Grieving after someone dies right in front of you brings out many emotions - denial, anger, guilt, depression. But, here’s one thing: if you can cope with your grief, the process takes you to acceptance followed by resolution. For everybody, their grief seems to them bigger than others. Grief comes in waves in everybody’s lives, but trust me, you need to grow strong and accept that destiny has planned something for everyone.
Grieve with your family and friends
It’s not just you who would be upset if you lost your pet. Remember how much your family and friends will do too because they also had their memories with your pet. Death is an inevitable, natural part of life that suddenly takes away happiness and brings you to an unknown swirling path. At this time, it’s highly expected to stay with your loved ones. Give each other the much-needed time and mental support.
Locking yourselves in a room won’t do anything good other than increasing your sadness.
Express your grief
After losing a pet, it’s only natural to feel sad as we lost a beloved friend or child. You may also experience guilt and other emotions as your new reality of life. But don’t try so hard! Express yourself by writing down what goes through your mind when these thoughts arise instead.
Journaling can help during these times because expressing ourselves creatively helps release pent-up feelings.
Reach out to mental support programs
It can be tough to pact with the loss when you lose a pet. But there are ways for people who have experienced this worst-case scenario in their lives and want some support from others going through similar experiences as them.
Connecting through social media or with real-life professionals will feel better about our situation. Just knowing that they are listening can make all of those tough moments easier to deal with — have them listen.
Conducting a funeral for lost loving pets
Be it a funeral or a ceremony, honoring your pet’s memories can offer you and your family members the opportunity to say goodbye. Involve those who can attend the ceremony- children included. Let them share their thoughts about what happened in life with this special animal that meant so much for each one of you individually. Create an emotional memorial where everyone will feel helped by these events later.
Ceremony for your pets: a beautiful goodbye
Only very few people develop the courage to cremate their pets when someone asks, “What do you wanna do with the body?” The mind at that time won’t even be at its right place for thinking. But honestly, when arranging a ceremony for your loved ones, it’s another way to say goodbye to their beloved people beside them.
Home burial
Burying a pet at home provides an opportunity for you and your family to commemorate the life of their companion. You can perform this in different ways, such as having a funeral or memorial service, which are, in a way, coping mechanisms from grief.
Some people choose not only to preserve but also celebrate with honor those things they love most -- including animals that have been partakers of our lives through generations past.
If you want to keep your pet’s remains on the property, but don’t have a place for an actual body (especially if they were large), consider cremating them so that they can be buried close by.
When your loved pet dies, it’s a tough decision whether or not you want them buried on the property. If the answer is no, consider having them cremated and returned for burial at home with family members who can hold service afterward to preserve their memory forever.
Turning pet ashes into memorial diamonds: keeping them close to your hearts and moving forward
You can also create a beautiful keepsake for your pet with their ashes.
A decorative diamond made from cremated ashes will be the perfect way to honor them and keep everything together as one unitary object that reminds you of all those happy memories every time it’s with you.
Memorial diamonds are forever, and they are grown in a lab by using High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) technolgy. The memorial diamonds are created out of carbon extracted from your pet’s cremated remains, you can send those ashes to the lab for processing into beautiful memorials with some extra sparkle. Turning pet ashes into diamonds and setting them into customized memorial jewelry is a very less-known thing. EverDear & Co., a company that does this for you, needs less than 100 grams of the deceased animal’s remains so it can be crystalized into precious diamonds.
When all these facilities have paved the way for us to move forward, let’s take it as a sign from the stars showing us a gateway to connect with our pets.
Memorial diamonds are beautiful remembrance of the pets’ owners.
These forever diamonds can be an innovative and affordable post-cremation option.
With these diamonds form ashes, you can celebrate your love and companionship with your pets anytime you want.
Holding them by your side, cremation diamonds of your pets will help you strengthen back your inner confidence and move forward.
Memorial diamond reminds you the times when your loyal animal friend stays by your side
Yes, it is possible to turn your pet’s ashes into everlasting diamonds. It doesn’t matter what kind of animal you have. As long as the right amount of fur or ashes is provided, these customized memorial diamonds will most accurately and beautifully represent your dearest animal friend.
The choice of euthanizing a pet can be difficult, but you must go through this process for the family members to feel at ease. Please make sure they are all on board before taking any action.