Thank You

for choosing to memorialize your loved one here, with us. We’ll get back to you shortly.

Next, would you like to book an appointment?

EverDear Booklet

Our Product Brochure will provide insight with regard to our offerings. In addition to that, it is meant to be of assistance to you in choosing your diamond.

EverDear Welcome Kit


To initiate the creation of your cremation diamond, our Welcome Kit provides you with all the tools necessary to collect and respectfully send your loved one's remains for easy and hassle-free processing.

  • Dream Designs

    We may have 90+ jewelry settings to choose from, but we still boast the best custom jewelry design team in the industry. Bring us your idea, and we are happy to make it come true for you and your beloved!

  • carbon from ashes for diamonds

    Measurements and Ash Submission

    While it isn’t often that we have to measure out ashes or hair, we provide a simple chart with which to quantify what is needed for the memorialization process.

  • everdear diamond from ashes

    Colors and Cuts

    We offer 7 of the most popular colors to remember your loved on with. You can find the 10 most popular cuts here, but please keep in mind, our expert gemcutters can provide you with ANY cut you desire.